" – Peu importe d’où l’on vient. Il n’y a pas de tonique. Le thème et son développement ne sont qu’un mirage…
Il y a une musique toujours inattendue.
– Et les dissonances ?
– Dieu les a créées, elles aussi…"
Jaume Cabré - "Voyage d'hiver" - 2014

”La terre, il se pourrait bien après tout que ce soit une espèce
de merveilleux petit appareil enregistreur, plaçé là par on ne sait qui,
pour capter tous les bruits qui circulent mystérieusement dans l’Univers.”
Pierre Reverdy - ”En vrac” - 1929

”J’entends tous les bruits de la terre grâce à mes oreilles et mes nerfs de cristal
dans lesquels circulent le feu du ciel et celui des volcans.”
Michel Leiris - ”Le point cardinal” - 1927

"L'écoute, c'est l'ombre de la composition"
Pascal Dusapin - 2008



Innocent passage





Olivia Block is a media artist and composer. Currently, her practice includes live performance, recordings, audio-visual installations, sound design, and scores for orchestra and chamber music concerts.





Block’s solo career started in the 1990’s, in Austin, where she played in bands and started making solo tape music. Then she moved to Chicago, becoming one of few females in the field of experimental music and sound art from her generation. She has developed a body of scored and improvised performances for amplified breath, inside-piano, electronics, synth organ and various materials, including metal pieces and shards of broken glass. She has also developed site specific works for pipe organ, most recently at the Rockefeller Memorial Chapel in Chicago.

this concert with Olivia Block, Adam Sonderberg and Paige Alice Naylorin, in october 2021, is a live interpretation of the release "Innocent Passage in the Territorial Sea"

and another recent Block's live at "Instants Chavirés" (Paris- France) shot by Nilonilaz

& during quarantine in april 2020 : here 


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