"Edge of a tide" ("Filo de marea") is the first of 3 parts of the sextet for percussion and piano, titled "Water" and composed in 2013 by the argentinian Alejandro Viñao, now located in England.
"In this movement I wanted to work with rhythmic ‘grooves’ which would create waves of sound that may be listened to as colour and texture. I wanted to give the audience the possibility of listening to this movement in a relaxed ‘easy’ way. Accordingly I imagined that it would be possible to follow this music as if one were listening to advancing and retreating waves of sound that bounce and rebound as they approach or retreat from us like a tide. But I also wanted to give the listener the option to explore the detailed musical lines that create the colour and texture at the surface of this music, and allow him/her to delve more deeply into the multilayered construction that underpins the musical discourse. The challenge for me was to make both listening modes possible and preferably equally interesting." - Alejandro Viñao
Performed by the Eastman Percussion Ensemble
with Michael Burritt, director
& Andrea Venet, Megan Arns, Chris Jones, Drew Worden and Colleen Bernstein.
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